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Our Services

We are a non-profit organization serving children and adults throughout the United States with craniofacial differences. There is never a charge for any our services. Our service goals address three distinct areas: 



1. Education: 


"Story telling is about connecting to other people and helping people to see what you see.” – Michael Margolis


“Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world.” – Robert McKee


 “Stories are our primary tools of learning and teaching, the repositories of our lore and legends. They bring order into our confusing world. Think about how many times a day you use stories to pass along data, insights, memories or common-sense advice.” – Edward Miller















Our organization would not exist without a teacher. Madge Apple not only taught Debbie, but educated many more individuals about craniofacial differences by creating the Debbie Fox Foundation.


Education is one of the most important services we offer. 

We believe storytelling is one of our best educational tools.


We use a variety of outlets to share craniofacial stories: our website, our blog, Face to Face, our social media pages like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Youtube, 

but are always looking for new ways to share our stories. 


We also have an ever-growing national speaker bureau of clients, client's families, and volunteers who speak to groups about the challenges and needs of those with craniofacial differences. We also are available to speak to groups, schools, and other organizations, so reach out to us. 


Futhermore, we provide up-to-date information about craniofacial differences, current research in the field, and craniofacial centers in the United States.  


Want to share your story? Contact us at



2. Empowerment: 


"Novah-Lee does everything any other two year old does. She's naughty and happy. She sings and dances. Her favorite thing to do is steal people's hearts and run away with them. Literally everyone she has ever met, she made an impact on them. She's strong and brave. Shes truly special. Her cleft doesn't define her, it was only a hurtle."

-Sara Tappan














Empowerment is a word we hear used a lot, but what does this actually mean?


According to the dictionary, empower is to give someone the authority or power to do something or the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights.


We believe it is our purpose to empower our craniofacial community. We do this by sharing stories and sharing everyday hero qualities. 


We also feel we can empower each other by getting to know each other.  By connecting families, we give families opportunities to alleviate emotional isolation that is often felt by patients and family members. By sharing information and providing support, we help to build a framework in which clients and family members can cope.



3. Travel Expenses: 


"This organization and people involved with it are AMAZING! They helped us so much not only financially but always so kind and caring. They really cared about our daughter Bailie. The burden of wondering how we were going to pay for another trip out of town was lifted because of them!"

-Traci Brisendine-Hinkhouse  














We provide financial assistance for expenses incurred while traveling  to a craniofacial center for reconstructive surgery and/or evaluation. This assistance is offered on the basis of financial and medical need and includes transportation, lodging, and food. Insurance and government medical assistance programs help to pay for surgeries, but rarely pay for travel expenses. We do not choose the physicians or medical centers for the clients; that choice is made entirely by the family. Once a client is approved, every attempt is made to continue aid for as long as it is needed. We also pay for one accompanying person for each trip.



Want to know more about financial assistance? Contact our client relations manager at





FACES: The National Craniofacial Association
(423) 266-1632 / (800) 332-2373
P.O. Box 11082, Chattanooga, TN 37401 

© FACES: The National Craniofacial Association,

All rights reserved.

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