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let little things go

Throughout my 14 years of living with Goldenhar Syndrome I have faced many challenges, but I truly believe that it was because of these challenges I am the person I am today. Living with this syndrome has made me stronger and I would like to think it has made me a better person. Because I have experienced judgement and unkindness I try to be kind to everyone and not quick to judge, knowing what it feels like. I have also learned the true meaning of self love. Becoming a young woman I struggled with this but trust me the whole “ beauty comes from within” thing is in fact true and should be taught more often.

One of the challenges I have had to face is staring. Most of us don’t have to worry about being followed by kids in the mall because they want to stare at you, but over time I’ve learned not to let these little incidents impact me. I would used to hide behind my Mom embarrassed and confused but I have noticed if you just ignore it then people usually stop. Once they see me joking around with my sister they realize that I’m not so different from them.

Something that has helped me through all of this is my faith. I believe that everything happens for a reason and somewhere along this crazy roller coaster there is a plan. Thinking about that helps me get through my struggles and see the bigger picture. Having faith in that plan helps me get through tough obstacles like surgeries or little things like routine doctor visits. Another contributing factor is my family. My mother has definitely helped me to become the woman that I am today and never treated me any different than my sister.

My sister is literally my rock and my bestest friend, with her I can be totally crazy and enjoy my teen years to the fullest.

And also my dad has helped me tremendously. Whether it was staying with me while I was in the NICU for several months or giving me advice on what I should wear to my first school dance, he has always been there and I’m so grateful for all three of them.

My life has certainly not been easy but I has been pretty great! I’ve experienced many joyful moments and I’m currently very happy with things. I’ve learned to go with the flow and to let little things go. I’m not mad that I have this syndrome but it does get frustrating sometimes. When I do get stressed out I remind myself that we are all human

I guess what I’m trying to say is that all humans are awesome. All shapes and sizes are beautiful and should be appreciated. And that life is a very incredible thing if you make it. To anyone reading this who is going through something like I am, please know that you aren’t alone. Just because we may look different does not mean our souls are any different. We can still be happy and experience a wonderful life with joyous memories. So try to find the good in life because trust me, it's in there!

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