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A Glimpse Into Wes' Life

Meet an ordinary extra cool little guy with an extraordinary story who has learned to live many new and unique normals. People looking from the outside may question ordinary, but the people who know him see just Wes. Wes was born March 17, 2006 and yes he thinks it’s pretty cool that he has some Irish blood. He was born with a variety of diagnosed craniofacial anomalies, but is overall undiagnosed. Even though we don’t have an exact name for his condition, we do know we have a pretty awesome little guy. He has a fun personality and will tell it as it is. He has undergone a lot of surgeries, some are pretty big, but he will be the first to debunk any myths of it being easy because he knows or has been through so much. As a matter of fact, he might even tell you it is more difficult, because he knows too much. Knowing that surgery causes a lot of pain and a long, slow and sometimes complicated recovery doesn’t make him want to sign up for the next round.

When I ask him about friends in his class, he will lets me know he is friends with everyone. He is really close to his cousins and few other super cool kids who like to do super cool things he enjoys. He loves anything involving superheroes and anti heros (and he is quick to let me know there is a difference), Marvel and DC and Star Wars, but especially likes Lego Batman and Dead Pool. He could be offline Wikipedia of hero information. He is a building master, Lego’s and Minecraft. Just like any good superhero, he has awesome style. Year after year his school pictures he is sporting bow tie. Of course his favorite suit is a tuxedo, what else would you expect from a super spy, batman type super guy. He is very well traveled and while most of his travels are for medical reasons, we always make sure to squeeze in something fun and educational.

Wes is definitely a family guy. Our house can be a little crazy with 4 boys. Wes has two big brothers and one little brother. He is a great brother and shouldn't have any complaints, but then again they are typical brothers. He is such a sweet son. One of his best friends is his cousin who is only 2 months younger than him. They are little peas in a pod. After a medical trip, he always feels like he is home once he gets some cousin time.

Wes hates to be stared at and doesn’t always feel like explaining things to others, so we have decided to create a business card or life cardhe can carry with him and pass out if he feels inclined.

Wes' life card

Hi I'm aWESome. I don't like when people stare. It just not cool! Yes, I was born extraordinary, but in many ways I'm just an ordinary cool kid. My favorite game is Minecraft. I can tell you more than most will ever know about Marvel and Star Wars and lots of other awesome stuff. Summer is my favorite time of the year, so I can swim and sleep in. I like to hang out with my family and friends. I'm not crazy about school, but I earn my parents the honor kid bumper sticker.

Most importantly, I want everyone to just Choose Kind.

If you want to learn more read the book Wonder or check out my blog

Gina, mom to Chase, Brandon, Wes, and Cooper "You cannot change the wind, you can however adjust your sail."

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